1. Storm of Damnation
2. Hades
Beyond the mountainswhere the wind cries out its painDeserted valleyswhere the darkness always reignedWhere the sunlight never evertouched the poisoned groundWhere the laugh of undead childrennever ever soundForever wrapped in darknessthe forgotten valleys of HadesForgotten damned domainswhere curse and hate collideWhere the cold and darkness meetand the truth have turned to lieWhere the flame of love growls coldand its powers never riseAnd hand of death has graspedevery form of lightForever wrapped in darknessthe forgotten valleys of Hades3. Reaper
I close your eyesand send you into vainly dreamsI reign your soulthe night engulf your painful screamsI watch you cry andtwist your soul in agonyNo prayers can save you nowfrom hell in eternityI devastate your souland lacerate your mindIn sin I sanctify mysword to crush your spine(I'm the) ReaperYou're too confusedyou can't elude my misty eyesNo need to hang onto your faith in love and lifeWhatever I commandyour soul obeys my needsYou're like a zombie nowwith a soul that burns and bleedsThere's not much left of youyour soul belongs to meNothing can save you nowor set your spirit free(I'm the) Reaper(Coming to take you)I love the sight of having youdown and open wideThe smell of a dead woman's fleshjust drives me fucking wildI have to got you in my grasp nowthere is no need to escapeI'll penetrate youevery virgin needs a rapeJust when you think you havegone through all that gives you painI'm coming back to youto penetrate again(I'm the Reaper)
4. Necromansy
Heil satanic majestytonight we sacrificeWe drink our own bloodand blasphemy whilethe moon is our only lightWe whisper our sorcerythe acid takes us highWe sing the songs of MayhemWingless angelin soundless flightOur bodies completes the circlewith blood we draw the signs of hellChant the force of Pandemoniumand recite the words of spellNecromancyI gather up the force of darknessto bring damnation lust and warDemand all heaven's virginsto bend before our horny lordTonight nothing is too sacredwe desecrate and live in sinInhaling the stench of rotten fleshand of burning windsDescend from blackened skieson soundless magic wingsTo spread the words of Satanand live in eternal sin5. Sacrifice
I summoned up the living deadand demons in the skiesI drank from chalice warm and redand watched the virgin diePresent at ungodly births in holy paradiseI spread eternal dark on earthAnd raped mother of Christ(Oh, mother of Christ)C'mon baby raise your knifeWelcome darling to my sacrifice(Oh, sacrifice)Tie the angel to the altarSacrifice to Lord of hellLet the warm blood torrent, babyWhile the moonlight sets the night on spellI saw the lightning strike in the skiesAnd heard you roar of painOh, lift the knife and strike once moreYour blood is mixed with the rainC'mon baby raise your knifeWelcome darling to my sacrifice(Oh, sacrifice)[repeat verse 1][repeat verse 2][repeat chorus]6. In Conspiracy with Satan
The lies of Christ will losethe ways of hell I choseI drink the floating blooddefy the fury of GodI have turned my back on Christto hell I have sacrificedI have made love to the Pagan Queenthe gates of hell I have seenI heard the angels cryI watched the witches flyI saw the clouds of deathSlowly blackening the skyI read the book of spellI chimed death's ancient belland when I die I have a placereserved in hellIn conspiracy with SatanI ride the bloodstained goatI let the brewage floatI have seen the reaper's faceand walked through eternal hazeI have kissed my master's handI have seen the children of the damnedI heard the demons calland seen a thousand virgins fall[repeat verse 3][repeat verse 4][repeat chorus]7. Armageddon
I swear the oath of bloodand tear the virgin's fleshI gash the wounds of heavenand rides the wings of deathTonight the cauldrons are filledwith brewage madeEof hateTonight we blasphemypossessed we desecrateTonight we raise our cupsand toast in an angels bloodSalute hell's victorydespise the words of GodArmageddonEternal battlefieldsno prisoners we takeWe rape your sacred soulsbehind the seven gatesTonight you all will hearthe angels cry of painand in the sky you will seethe all eternal flameOn earth you mortal foolsobey the christian waysbut there is no mighty Godto hear your final prayersArmageddonForks of lightning strikes in the skythe sound of thunder rollsSatan, chimes the bell of deathand beckon all your soulsHeaven's angels realizesthere is no place they can hideTonight the furnace gates of hellstands open wideBlack witch of beautyhovers around and cast her spellsTonight a virgin's wombshall breed a son of hellArmageddon(Armageddon])8. Raise the Dead
"Dust to dust"...I gasp for airI scream for sightand fight againsttorment and dreadCalling the vengeanceI tear at the lidand promise to raisefrom the deadRAISE THE DEAD (RAISE THE DEAD RAISE THE DEAD)Black witch of beautyall hell's necromancersgive me the powers of hellMistress of cursereapers and vulturesDemons stand upand chime the bellRAISE THE DEAD (RAISE THE DEAD RAISE THE DEAD)Suddenly powers comesfrom withinMuscles and mind arefilled with wrathI burst out in frenzypowers of helland break up thetomb and the darkRAISE THE DEAD (RAISE THE DEAD RAISE THE DEAD)
9. War
The bells of war doth chime tonightand the heavens shake with fearThe earth commot the sky is in flamesthe battle is ever near(Troops of Hell tonight they stormThe walls they so despiseHeaven's gates are closing inThe night is filled with cries)WAR, WAR, WARA crack of thunder, a smell of deaththe wind of mayhem blowsHeaven in its final breathand God lose all controlPrayers for mercy cries for helpwon't stop the blasphemyOur troops emerge the sacred throneand the victory is completeWAR, WAR, WAR(WAR, WAR, WAR)
2006. november 10. – 2007. mrcius 31, Petfi Irodalmi Mzeum:Halotti maszk killtsTudom, nem zenvel kapcsolatos, de rdekes lehet